Tuesday 27 April 2021

3.2.- Talking to terminally ill patients and the modal verbs 'can', 'may', 'must' and 'have to'

Talking to terminally ill patients and modal verbs of probability, possibility, speculation and deduction.

How to talk about hope with terminally ill patients video


Exercises on page 28


Exercises on page 29

Write in teams at least five actions a nurse must do when talking to terminally ill patients and other five about what a nurse mustn't.


What a nurse must do when talking to terminally ill patients

What a nurse mustn’t do when talking to terminally ill patients

A nurse must use simple language.

A nurse mustn’t use medical jargon.

Modal verbs can, could, may, might, must and have to to talk about abilities, speculations, deductions and obligations; ask for permission, and make requests


Modal Verb

Function or use



Present abilities

I can speak English.

Present permission

Can I go to the loo?

Present possibility or speculation

My mother can get back home at any time.



Its negative couldn’t is used for the opposite sense in the possible cases.

Past ability

I could rollerskate when I was 12.

Past Permission

They could spend what it was allowed according to their budget.

Present or past possibility

They could go to the cinema.

Present request

Could you bring me a cup of tea?


Present permission

May I come in?

Present possibility or speculation

It may rain today because of the gray clouds.


Present possibility or speculation

It might rain today.


Present probability or deduction.

Studying nursing must be tough

Present weak or imposed obligation by the speaker

You must attend all your English lessons.


Present strong restriction

You can’t smoke at school.

Present negative probability or strong deduction.

It can’t be real what is shown in the Mexican soap operas.


Present weak restriction

You mustn’t use your mobile when the teacher is explaining.

Present negative probability or weak deduction.

Susan mustn’t be at home because it’s her work time.

Have to

Present strong or non-imposed obligation by the speaker.

You have to attend at least the 80% of the period lessons.


Probability and deduction: They mean we are sure or certain about something.

Possibility and speculation: They mean we are unsure or uncertain about something.

Collaborative online exercise about the use of the modal verbs can, could, may, and might

Individual online exercise about the use of the modal verbs can, could, may, and might


Write in teams at least 8 guidelines using the modal verbs when talking to a terminally ill patient who has... before going to a treatment or therapy. Don't forget to include the disease and the treatment or therapy.

1.- advanced cancer

2.- Alzheimer's

3.- an advanced heart disease

4.- Parkinson

5.- a pulmonary or lung disease

6.- HIV or AIDS

7.- renal insufficiency

8.- a major organ failure

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