Tuesday 27 April 2021

2.5.- IV Therapy

Introductory video about what IV therapy is

What is IV Therapy? 

A push intravenous infusion is the direct injection of medication into a vein through an intravenous line, needle, or catheter. Manufacturers' instructions must be followed for preparation and administration of all such medications. The fluid to be infused and the flow rate are by prescription.

Source: https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com


Collaborative exercise 4a on page 21.


Setting up an intravenous infusion video

Collaborative exercises b,d,e and f on page 22

Basics of IV tubing equipment video

Exercise 5a on page 23

Video 'Do IV vitamin infusions boost your immunity?'

Video about changing IV solution bags

Time sequencers online exercise

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