Friday 6 March 2020

1.8.- Future with will and future with be+going to...

Future with will and future with be + going to

What plans have you got for this weekend?

For example, going to a dog's party

Exercise d on page 13

Some statements in future in the exercise d on page 13.

I'll turn on the machine now.

Future with will

I'm going to take some observations.

Future with be+going to

Conversation video about the future with will vs be + going to

Future with be + going to

Speaking practicar about the future

1.- Tell a classmate a future fact.

Tomorrow, it will be Sunday.

2.- Tell a classmate a future prediction bases on opiniĆ³n.

Tomorrow, it will be a sunny day.

3.- Promise something to a classmate.

I promise I will help you.

4.- Make a refusal to a classmate.

I won't reveal You my Best friend's secret.

5.- Tell a classmate a future plan.

I am going to watch a movie on Netflix after school.

Collaborative online exercise about the future with will or be+going to

Individual online exercise 2 about the future with or be+going to

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