Thursday 3 June 2021

4.6.- How to read the medication label.

Video about how to read a medication label 

Vocabulary Presentation about Reading Medication Labels

Video about formal vs informal verbs

Collaborative exercises on pages 44 and 45.

4.5.- A district nurse prescription sheet.

 Nurse and midwife prescribers video

Collaborative exercises on pages 42 and 43.

Which verbs that have more than two words do you know?

Phrasal verbs in a conversation video

Phrasal verbs with pass

Collaborative online exercise about the Phrasal verbs with pass

Individual online exercise about the phrasal verbs with pass

Wednesday 26 May 2021

4.4.- Managing embarrasing moments

 ER Nurses' stories video

Video about how to manage incontinence in the eldery

Exercises on pages 40 and 41

Relaxing phrases

Team work: Write a dialogue dealing with an embarrassing situation including the purpose of the visit, the embarrassing situation and how it was dealt.

4.3- Helping a patient with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

 ADLs video

Activities of daily living after a stroke video

Collaborative vocabulary online game about ADLs on Wordwall

Video about some for items for helping patients with the ADLs

Exercises on pages 38 and 39

Vocabulary review online exercise 1 about clothes on

Introductory video about phrasal verbs for clothes

Collaborative online exercise about phrasal verbs for clothes on

Individual online exercise about phrasal verbs clothes on

Video concerning talking about daily routines with phrasal verbs

Vocabulary review online exercise 2 about clothes on 

Oral practice with vocabulary about phrasal verbs for clothes and clothing items on

Individual vocabulary review exercise about clothes on

4.2.- Wounds

 How do wounds heal video 

Word Vocabulary Presentation

Exercises on pages 37 and 38

4.1.- The District Nurse


A district nurse video

Collaborative exercises on page 36 and 37